Invasive prenatal testing – prenatal karyotype (GEN-101A)

Metaphase chromosome pattern analysis is the primary cytogenetic method, used for all types of prenatal samples: amniotic fluid, trophoblast or umbilical cord blood obtained through amniocentesis, trophoblast biopsy or cordocentesis, respectively.

Fetal karyotype analysis is a basic cytogenetic test which allows us to determine the number and structure of chromosomes including balanced translocation. Prenatal evaluation of a karyotype is recommended when the risk of chromosomal aberration in a foetus is higher than in the general population. The indications for the karyotype test are:

  • the would-be mother is over 35 y.o.
  • an abnormal result of biochemical screening
  • an abnormal result of NIPT screening
  • an abnormal result of the ultrasound scan (foetal developmental abnormalities)
  • a chromosomal aberration in one of the parents
  • a previous pregnancy with a chromosomal aberration.

Material: amniotic fluid, trophoblast or cord blood

Waiting time for the test result: from 14 to 17 days (7 days for cordocentesis) due to the necessity to wait for the cell culture to grow.

Price: 750 PLN (GEN-101A: amniotic fluid)

900 PLN (GEN-102: trophoblast)

Detailed information available at: +48 22 3277162


Rules for collecting and storing material for testing: download PDF

Referral for examination and declaration of informed consent: download PDF

The test fee can be paid directly at the Institute’s cash desk or by transfer to a bank account ALIOR BANK 81 2490 0005 0000 4600 8807 9430.