Invasive prenatal testing – karyotype in trophoblast cells (GEN-102)

Foetal karyotype analysis consists in analysing metaphase chromosomes in the cells from the amniotic fluid, trophoblast or umbilical cord blood obtained through amniopuncture, trophoblast biopsy or percutaneous umbilical cord blood sampling (cordocentesis) respectively.

Foetal karyotype analysis is a basic cytogenetic test which allows us to determine the number and structure of chromosomes. Prenatal evaluation of a karyotype is recommended when the risk of chromosomal aberration in a foetus is higher than in the general population. It occurs in the following cases:

  • the would-be mother is over 35 y.o.
  • an abnormal result of biochemical screening
  • an abnormal result of NIPT screening
  • an abnormal result of the ultrasound scan (foetal developmental abnormalities)
  • a chromosomal aberration in one of the parents
  • a previous child was born with a chromosomal aberration.

The waiting time for the test result is from 14 to 17 days due to the necessity to wait for the cell culture to grow.

Price of this test:

900 PLN (GEN-102: trophoblast)

Detailed information available at: +48 22 3277162


Instructions for taking material for testing: download PDF

Referral for examination and declaration of informed consent: download PDF

The test fee can be paid directly at the Institute’s cash desk or by transfer to a bank account ALIOR BANK 81 2490 0005 0000 4600 8807 9430.